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Liberia has a wealth of natural resources from diamonds to natural rubber, but instability and lack of infrastructure has reduced the World Bank Human Capital Index to 0.32/1.0. 

Humanity First USA helped provide relief from recent civil war war and has invested in resources to help Liberia grow

Vocational Training

Moving beyond conflict requires re-investment in infrastructure and human capital. Humanity First USA began an ambitious job training program in Liberia, establishing the Humanity First Ahmadiyya Vocational College (HFAVC) in 2010. Highly qualified instructors use well-equipped labs to provide complete training in ten different trades. Currently, the most popular courses are in driving and technical areas like A/C and refrigeration. Hundreds of young people graduate from one or more courses each year.


Since 2019, Humanity First USA has supported students in primary school at Humanity First schools in villages in Liberia. We operate 5 schools that employ local educators and staff. Students engage in a  comprehensive education in a core curriculum that emphasizes math and science, English language, and physical education/health. 

Patients needing routine screenings, care for injuries, or critical surgeries have sought care delivered by volunteer medical professionals from the U.S. Volunteer medical missions are coordinated by Humanity First USA in partnership with HF Liberia and local entities. Physicians and medical staff treat patients at full-day clinics in Monrovia, home to at least 20% of the country’s population.


The Water for Life program in Liberia has been accelerating since 2021. By refurbishing hand pumps, we have brought clean and safe drinking water to over 10,000 people in Bomi and Grand Cape Mount Counties.

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