Restoring communities.
Building a future.
Our Mission
Humanity First USA is dedicated to serving humanity and safeguarding human life and human dignity.
Our Vision
We focus on giving people the skills and the capacity to succeed and flourish.
Where we work
We work with dedicated partner countries and regions across the globe to provide resources and establish infrastructure that people need to thrive and flourish.

Humanity First USA was established as an independent 501(c)3 in 2004. We are affiliated with the Humanity First International network that was founded in 1995, initially to help those in need of disaster relief during the war in Bosnia. Started by the head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Humanity First can now be found in over 60 countries.
While we have deep roots in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, our volunteers, staff, and supporters come from all religions and walks of life, and we serve all people–regardless of their race, their religion, their politics, or their ethnicity.
Our Values
Four core values inform everything that we do at Humanity First:
Impartiality: We serve everyone, regardless of their background or affiliations
Efficiency: We stretch every dollar by enlisting volunteer expertise. Our worldwide team of medical professionals, engineers, and project managers provide pro bono services so that more of our funds can be used directly on programs.
Collaboration: We know we are stronger when we work together, so we make it a priority to work with local governments and NGOs. And we use global expertise while relying on local leaders who know the culture and the needs of those we serve.
Empowerment: In everything we do, our goal is to empower communities to become self-sufficient.

Striving for UN Sustainable Development Goals
Humanity First has consultative status with The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations and contributes to the achievement of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our programs in particular advance SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9,10,11,16, and 17, while we work hard to be a positive actor across all these critical global goals.

”“It is up to the members of Humanity First to strive earnestly, seeking the betterment and wellbeing of mankind. Never rest easy or feel satisfied with what has gone in the past; rather, look to the future and see how and where you can increase the scope of your service for humanity.”
His Holiness Mirza Masroor AhmadThe current worldwide head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community,
The Humanity First Student Division strengthens our commitment to youth leadership, and HF Healthcare Services is an HFUSA subsidiary dedicated to global health.