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Humanity First USA strives to maximize the impact of every gifted dollar. Approximately 90% of donations received go directly toward projects that serve the vulnerable in the USA and around the world.

Fundraising Web Animation Concept 2


You can choose to either support Humanity First USA as a whole or select a particular program to direct your fundraiser toward.

Disaster Relief

A woman in a white coat and headscarf hands a bottle to a man with a patch on his face. She stands behind a table with boxes and bottles of medicine on top under a makeshift tent structure.

Fundraise $1000

Palestine Appeal: Fundraise for the current disaster appeal

Fundraise $1000
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Fundraise $2500

Medical Relief: Fundraise for medical disaster response

Fundraise $2500
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Fundraise $3000

Complete Disaster Relief Needs: Support efforts to assess ongoing crises and dispatch medical care, shelter, and supplies as each situation unfolds.

Fundraise $3000

Food Security

People in blue vests put items like watermelon in the open trunks of cars that wait in line for food

Fundraise $1000

Pantry Food: Fundraise to stock our pantries and food drives across the USA. 

Fundraise $1000

Fundraise $2500

Pantry Supplies: Fundraise for supplies and equipment to transport, store, and distribute food to hungry people. 

Fundraise $2500

Gift of Sight


Fundraise $1500

Eye Surgery: Fundraise towards a locally staffed Gift of Sight mission

Fundraise $1500

Fundraise $2500

Eye Surgery: Fundraise towards a locally staffed Gift of Sight mission

Fundraise $2500

Global Health

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Fundraise $2500

Medical Mission: Fundraise toward an upcoming medical mission.

Fundraise $2500
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Fundraise $5000

Nasir Hospital Expansion: Fundraise to expand Nasir Hospital to treat more people.

Fundraise $5000

Knowledge for Life


Fundraise $5000

Yearly Education: Sponsor a Classroom

Fundraise $5000
A classroom with a blackboard stretching the length of one wall and two dozen wooden desks with attached benches.

Fundraise $20,000

Building a Classroom: To build a classroom and invest in 1 year of operations.

Fundraise $20,000

Fundraise $60,000

Three-Classroom School: Build a three-classroom complete school for primary or secondary students.

Fundraise $60,000

Orphan Care

Two teens stand outside under an overhang

Fundraise $1000

Hasanah Kautsar Orphanage: Fundraise for the Indonesia orphanage.

Fundraise Now
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Fundraise $1500

Luz de Maria Orphanage: Fundraise for orphans at Luz de Maria to get care at Nasir Hospital

Fundraise Now

Water for Life


Fundraise $2400

Hand pump: Refurbish a hand pump that brings clean drinking water to communities that need it most.

Fundraise $2400

Fundraise $6000

Solar Project: Fundraise for solar panels that provide energy to run a water system.

Fundraise $6000
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Fundraise $6000

New water system: Fundraise to dig a brand new borehole and install a hand pump where there is no current source of clean drinking water.

Fundraise $6000

Nasir Hospital

A woman wearing a white coat with the logo for HF Healthcare Hospital Nasir and a surgical mask holds and looks lovingly at a baby wrapped in a pink and white fleece blanket.

Fundraise $1000

Patient Care: Fundraise to support patients with financial need through the Nasir Hospital Patient Care Fund.

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HF Baby (1)

Fundraise $3000

Nasir Hospital Expansion: Fundraise to expand Nasir Hospital’s facilities and equipment to treat more people.

Fundraise Now
HF Baby (2)

Fundraise $30,000

In-Patient Room: Fundraise for a patient suite that will expand Nasir Hospital’s in-patient capacity to provide people with high quality care.

Fundraise Now

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