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Hope and Healing in an Uncertain World

May 16th, 2024

Our 20th Anniversary Gala has been the signature event for this year to expand the impact of our humanitarian work. Thank you for joining us!

Thank you to our Gala Sponsors!



Friends of Humanity First

The Gala!


Grand Hyatt Washington 1000 H St NW, Washington, DC 20001

Gala 2024 welcome sign
A man dressed in a white robe and cap of Western African style stands at the podium of a stage with white curtains behind it, white flowers in pots at the front edge, and an American flag on a stand to the viewer's left.


  • Networking reception and exhibition begins at 5:30 pm
  • Program begins at 6:30 pm
  • Program will include speakers representing Humanity First USA’s domestic and international work, the U.S. Congress and Senate, foreign embassies, and HFUSA partners.

Stories from Humanity First USA

Humanity First has positively impacted countless lives, and the inspiring stories of those who have been helped continue to spread hope and compassion.


A woman wearing gloves holds a small bright yellow tray to a young girls mouth as she sits to receive this fluoride treatment.

Newsletter: Medical mission success and a summer event, join now!

Humanity First Student Division Gift of Health mission in southern Mexico treated hundreds of people.…
A woman wearing medical scrubs claps as four other people look at each other and smile. They are kneeling on the floor in front of human shaped dummies used for CPR training.
EventsFundraisingGlobalHealthHFSDNewsWater for Life

Newsletter: Two medical missions and more

Humanity First Student Division Gift of Health mission is in southern Mexico and a Surgical…
About two dozen people pose one row sitting and one row standing in front a sign with the Humanity First logo.

HF International Connection: Munum Naeem visits French Guiana

Munum Naeem, Chairman and the Executive Director of Humanity First USA traveled to French Guiana.…

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