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Sponsor Humanity

Amplify your Impact

Current opportunities

To join our network of sponsors, please email us. We look forward to partnering with you.

20th Anniversary Year

Businesses or individuals who value long-term, sustained impact, are invited to sponsor Humanity First USA’s 20th Anniversary Year. Sponsors are partners to expanding the reach of our humanitarian work and the network of people who care to make an impact.

Hope, Healing, and Humanity: Our Journey of 20 Years includes partners like you.

20th Anniversary Gala

600 of Humanity First USA supporters and leaders of our nation’s law, philanthropy, business, and society will gather in DC for our 20th Anniversary Gala.

Sponsors can align their local and global action with Humanity First USA’s humanitarian impact. Tiered sponsorships are still available.

Walk for Humanity

Humanity First USA’s Virtual Walk for Humanity will be an event to remember! People around the globe will walk together to raise support for help people around the world.

Registration will open this spring. Event and team sponsorships are available now. Sponsor your company or professional group to join today!

Nasir Hospital Diagnostic Center Reception & Lobby

Nasir Hospital is Humanity First USA’s flagship medical facility in Central America under HF Healthcare Services. Since 2018, the hospital has served nearly 60,000 patients, 11,000 with financial need, from a dozen countries for high-quality health care.

Our 5-year sustainability plan includes a new comprehensive Diagnostic Center that will touch every medical specialty. The construction is already underway! Named sponsorship of the lobby and reception area will leave a legacy of love and care for patients from across the globe.

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