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Five food drives, one hundred people fed, two hundred and twenty two pounds of food, and twelve volunteers.

Twelve. A cardinal number, a number that showed what leadership and resilience looks like and spread a message of solidarity in Chicago. Twelve volunteers who took it upon themselves to spread that message by organizing five different events on one Saturday to help those in need. Volunteers with Humanity First Chicago went to the AMC Center and cooked restaurant quality food for a women’s shelter, a transitional shelter, Tent City for the homeless, and another homeless shelter. Kabobs, salad, and rice filled the stomachs of Chicago’s most vulnerable, many of whom have become deprived of healthy food in the current Covid-19 crisis. HF Chicago has become well known in the city for providing nourishing and healthy meals to those in need.

After a long day cooking and serving food, these twelve volunteers did not stop. They stepped outside the AMC Center and handed out care packages to the poor. Partnering with rapper Vic Mensa’s organization “Save Money Save Lives” and another local organization called “Change”, these kits consisted of masks, gloves, and hand sanitizers. Both organizations have supported Humanity First’s efforts in the past and partnered with Humanity First again in this initiative. The efforts of these twelve volunteers did not go unnoticed and were featured on local news channel WGN.